Collect & Display
customer reviews

on your website.

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Get more customers with better reviews and boost your revenue with!

Control your e-Reputation and strengthen your online visibility while improving your ratings.

Collect all the reviews

Aggregate on your website all the reviews of different social networks


Customize your badge and widget's style in just few simple steps


Integrate your badge and widget into your website with a simple copy/paste of HTML code

Faster Loading

Our badges and widgets appear instantly on your site

Smart Response

Simplify your life with our solution which offers you smart responses instantly

Free 7-day trial

No credit card required for testing our solution with no restrictions

Collect lots of reviews

Collect lots of reviews

Easily collect testimonials from your customers by SMS and Email with our customizable templates.

Ask your customers to share their opinion on Google My Business and the platforms that matter to you: Trip Advisor, Trustpilot, Facebook...

Display your reviews

Integrate your authenticated reviews into your corporate communication (website, social media) to build trust.

Display your reviews
Reply to your reviews

Reply to your reviews

Save time by using our smart, automatic response suggestions based on ChatGPT: Responding to all reviews is essential.

Asked Question

How often are the reviews updated? checks for new reviews on a daily basis. When a new review is discovered we will add it to your widget automatically.

Is it easy to integrate my reviews on my website?

Embedding a badge or widget takes seconds. A simple copy/paste of HTML code. It works with all content management systems like Wordpress, Jimdo, Squarespace, Wix...

Is it possible to integrate several widgets on the same page?

It is possible to integrate multiple badges and widgets on the same page of your website.

A review is displayed on Google but is not yet on my website. Is this normal?

Yes it's normal. Google does not show new reviews instantly. It can take a few hours or even a few days sometimes.

Is it possible to delete a review on Google?

It is possible to report a review if that violate Google policies. But don't report a review just because you disagree with it or don't like it. Instead answer with our tool.

Should i respond to every review?

Reply to each and every review, both one or five stars, is your chance to show customers that you care about what they have to say.

Improve your reputation.
Increase your sales revenue.